Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bacon goes with everything, right?

We had a busy day going to two different farm pick-ups. First, we went to our Polyface drop. Lots and lots of eggs and 3 pounds of bacon. Seth spent the whole time while we were in line yelling "bacon and eggs! bacon and eggs!". I've still got chickens and ground beef in the freezer from last year, so all we needed was bacon. Oh, Polyface bacon. I don't even know how to explain what this bacon is to me. It is a treasure in the freezer. It's the. most. amazing. bacon. ever. Seriously, you need to come over for breakfast on Sunday morning during the summer.

Second, we went to our other farm drop off. There we picked up raw goat milk kefir, raw butter, some more eggs, and a pound of beef. I haven't tried their beef, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. Do you see how beautiful this butter is? It's such a rich yellow.

Here is what we ate today...

Breakfast - Smoothie with spinach, bananas, blueberries, peaches and coconut water. Raw oatmeal. I took 1 cup of rolled oats, raw almonds and a few chopped dates and soaked all of it overnight in 2 cups Trader Joe's unsweetened whole grain milk. Then, this morning I added some cinnamon, flax seeds and bananas.

Lunch - I found some leftover Trader Joe's crab cakes in the freezer and couldn't help myself. These are so good.

Snack - All three of us snacked on oranges this afternoon.

Dinner - How am I suppose to control myself when a package of salty Polyface bacon is sitting in the fridge? Rhett had a pretty rough day today (they finished up their deliberation for the trial) and I thought I would fry up a few slices of heaven to help him feel better. What else was in the fridge? Leftover chinese food from last night. I think I justified putting bacon with the leftovers because there were scrambled eggs in it. Bacon and chinese food? Believe it or not, it was good. Really good.

Seth asked for another smoothie before bedtime. I whipped one up with bananas, raspberries and coconut water. He took one teeny tiny sip. I'll save the rest of it for tomorrow. How beautiful is the color of this? Think I could patent it and make my own lipgloss?

1 comment:

  1. She's not kidding about the blessing of Polyface bacon people!
